Fighting for Family
At MTC, we love the families God brings to us. We have such a beautiful array of families we get to pour into and do life with, and we...
I went to Africa apprehensive. What can I do for these people? How does me coming here help them at all? There is so much need. What do I...
Come Together
UNITY is so key in the success of any goal, mission, or objective. No one will be able to succeed at the highest degree with dissension...
The Heart of Service
Service. Giving of your time, talent, & treasure to serve others. Service is on the mind lately. We are in a season of heavily recruiting...
An Open Letter to MTC Parents from an MTC Volunteer
To the Parents of More Than Conquerors, I’m writing this to appeal to you,about reading the Bible with your children. Now I know some of...
Wrapping Up!
It's that time of year, and MTC is wrapping things up. [There was no pun intended there, but how well does that go with the Christmas...
"Why does MTC do things for free?"
Many ask us, all the time, why make things free if you’re struggling for money? Fair question. From the beginning, we felt that God was...
Money is a Necessity
Hello All, I come to you today with a heavy heart. This is not the most exciting subject to write to you about. However, it is very...
Did You Miss Us?
Hello again! We're back! Haha. It seems like we went on a little vacation there over the summer, but it was far from that. We had an...
Today is the first day of our last week of program at our free After-School Programs. I can't believe it! It seems like this semester has...