#GivingTuesday with MTC
As we dive into the holiday season, we kick-off with Thanksgiving. A time to gather as families and loved ones to laugh, eat, and rest. What a wonderful time of fellowship!
But as many of us have come to know, there is a lot of spending that is about to happen or already begun. Black Friday deals have already started, and it's only Tuesday! There are Christmas gifts, elaborate meals, and multitudes of entertainment to spend money on with the holidays. At More Than Conquerors this holiday season, we are asking that you join us with countless others across the nation in the #GivingTuesday movement. This is a chance to get outside of ourselves in our spending fury this year and support local charities & nonprofits as part of our holiday spending and gift-giving. We encourage you to join us in supporting our end-of-year giving goal of $12,000 today by donating online or via check. All financial gifts are 501c3 tax deductible and will help MTC get a solid start in the New Year.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
>2 Corinthians 9:7<
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
>Acts 20:35<
Jesus calls us to be generous and cheerful givers. At MTC, we believe that means the whole package. As we work towards our end-of-year giving goal launching with #GivingTuesday, More Than Conquerors will also be exploring the Three T's of Stewardship:
We are called to be generous and cheerful givers of our Time, Talents, & Treasures! Follow along each Tuesday starting 11/28/17 as we release a new video focusing on each of these areas featuring our kids, volunteers, families, & staff. Also, check-in to see where we are in our goal. Along with your financial support, we greatly appreciate your prayers and your encouragement! 😍
Thank you for being a part of More Than Conquerors! We love you! Help us start off strong by giving your tax-deductible financial gift today! Donate online by clicking here or mail your check made out to "More Than Conquerors" to 7558 S. State Rd. 67, Ste D, Pendleton, IN 46064.
STEWARDSHIP 11/28/17 [#GivingTuesday]
#1 TIME 12/5/17
#2 TALENT 12/12/17